About Jennifer 

I am a single mom of 5 kids, I really found the joy of baking out of necessity. I wanted to give my kids bake goods that did not have a tons of processed sugars and ingredients I could not pronounce in them. This was also a way to spend time with my kids. Now that my kids are out of the house I have so many recipes that I would love to share with you and maybe you can create a wonderful memory with your loved ones as I have with my children. Remember to enjoy this time, put a little bit of love into everything you bake and always have fun.

About Sofia

I'm an 18-year-old girl, who likes to help her mom in the kitchen. My mom would make sweets at night, and I would like to help her when she did. That's when my love for cooking/baking began. Just seeing her work in the kitchen has always intrigued me but, now I'm doing it on my own not next to my mom but with her, the memories we make now are just as sweet as a cake on your birthday. I hope you enjoy our recipes and make everything just a tad bit sweeter. Thank you for seeing our website!